Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down

Posted : admin On 14.10.2019

Jul 07, 2015  1 Answer. Turns out the issue was caused by a bad Chrome 'auto-refresh plus' addon that was actually adding an ad banner to the end of the page and attempting to scroll to it on pageload - it failed to scroll to the bottom because of images shifting the page height down. Uninstalled the addon, and the problem hasn't occurred since. How to enable automatic scrolling in Chrome Tip When you press that button it will open a small bar at the top left of the window as in the shot below. The page will also automatically begin to scroll down. The bar shows you the relative speed of the page scroll, and you can speed it up by dragging it further to the right. If you roll the mouse wheel upwards, the page will scroll up.

Head over to the experimental flags page by entering chrome://flags/ in the address bar either in Android phones or your personal computers. Now, you need to find “Scroll Anchoring” flag setting, enable it and you are done. Chrome will now automatically adjust the scroll position in order to prevent “visible jumps when offscreen content changes”.

When scrolling using the mouse wheel scroll in Google Chrome, there is about 25% chance it would zoom in/out as if I have pressed the Ctrl key.Disabling my mouse gesture extension reduces the chance to only about 2%.I have tried various extensions and noticed some mouse gesture extensions seem to make it a bit worse than the others. I am guessing the problem is with Chrome or its extensions.I believe it is not my hardware or software. It happens in Chrome on both my Windows 7 desktop computers at work and at home.

Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down

It never happens in Firefox on either computer (I use both browsers). I tried turning on 'Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key' so I know if the Ctrl is pressed accidentally - it never was. I don't have AutoHotKey or anything similar installed on Windows.Is this a Google Chrome bug? Is there a workaround?UPDATE:I installed AutoHotKey to nullify Ctrl+scroll.Ctrl+scroll now does nothing, but scrolling normally still often zooms. Dont know where from this problem comes. But we can have an alternative solution to that.

Depending on the drivers for your mouse, you could set ctrl-scroll as a 'shortcut' to actually do nothing - essentially capturing the combination and throwing it away. Some drivers will even let you specify this for only within a certain application, at which point you'd specify chrome.ORAnother trick would be:solution using AutoHotKey posted on google groups: Using Logitech Performance Mouse MX.Downloaded AutoHotKey softwareIn the AutoHotkey.ahk file, added these to do nothing for Cntrl+MouseWheelScrolling^WheelDown::return^WheelUp::returnAlsoif this doesn't work,please provide some more information about your hardware please.UPDATE - The solutionIt looks like the zooming issue is related to mouse scrolling freeware. I took a look at a tool I run called 'WizMouse.' The purpose of these tools is to allow scrolling windows without focusing on them.

Settings can be changed in these to fix the problem.Resolutions:. KatMouse (per nsx82): Add class: ChromeWidgetWin1, and under the settings tick option: 'Window has scrolling wheel support?' (try checked first). WizMouse (per JoPa Mi): Uncheck 'Enable mouse wheel for applications without mouse wheel support'. It looks like the zooming issue is related to mouse scrolling freeware.

I took a look at a tool I run called 'WizMouse.' The purpose of these tools is to allow scrolling windows without focusing on them. Settings can be changed in these to fix the problem. Resolutions: KatMouse (per nsx82): Add class: ChromeWidgetWin1, and under the settings tick option: 'Window has scrolling wheel support?' (try checked first) WizMouse (per JoPa Mi): Uncheck 'Enable mouse wheel for applications without mouse wheel support'–Jan 29 '14 at 4:42.

I've been annoyed by this for a long time, but when I searched most recently, I found a Chrome Extension that disables this Ctrl-scroll zoom behavior called.It worked fairly well, but didn't do exactly what I wanted (I wanted scrolling to continue as usual, even if I had pressed Ctrl. The extension just stopped scrolling and zooming altogether when Ctrl was pressed). So, I decided to make my own extension, which I just published yesterday. It converts Ctrl-scroll back into normal scrolling, and it's called.Check these two extensions out and see if either one of them does what you want.


Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down Youtube

Hi guys.I'm having a bit of trouble with my Chrome browser. Frequently, it will automatically scroll down to the bottom of the page, whether it be Google Search or Facebook, load the next set of images, posts and whatnot, then keep scrolling down. It will do thisall day if I let it. Any time I try to stop it (i.e. Scroll up with the mouse or keyboard), it just goes straight back down again. I have hit the J and K keys to try and get it to stop, but that only seems to work 30% of the time. Strangely enough, this happens onmy Desktop as well, I cannot select anything, as it automatically pre-selects the last icon I placed there. Also, in a video game I play, the menus are ALWAYS on the bottom option, and you can't click anywhere apart from there, it just goes down to the bottomagain.

Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down Meaning

I have scanned for malware and viruses, thinking that might be the problem, but they seem to be clean.Is there a simple option that I'm missing, or something I need to tick?Any help would be greatly appreciated.Cheers.