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Posted : admin On 01.10.2019

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Download Ebook Novel Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Gratis

Setelah satu tahun memimpikan Kindle, akhirnya sekarang saya sudah memilikinya, menyentuhnya, memainkannya.apalah. Semua ini berawal satu tahun yang lalu di saat saya mulai suka membaca, sebenernya udah suka baca dari dulu, cuma sayang gitu mesti sisihkan uang jajan cuma untuk beli buku. Finally tahun lalu saya mulai upgrade skill saya dan biasa baca ebook bahasa inggris. Liat post saya tahun lalu yang berjudul.Sebelum membeli tentu saya hunting di internet, cari-cari importir Kindle murah, as you may know Kindle has never been marketed in Indonesia. Option to buy directly from might be tempting but the cost is too high.

So i just counted my luck to look for trusted importer. Btw, saya berniat untuk membeli Ads version dengan storage 4GB, ini harga aslinya $119. Ketemulah 4 toko:1. TokoEbookReader.comPaperwhite 2 Ads dijual Rp2,790,000Alamat Toko Offline: Mangga Dua Mall, Lantai 4 No. 36B, Jakarta2.

Nengririen.comPaperwhite 2 Ads dijual Rp2,890,000Tidak ada toko offline3. OrigikStore / shopitsimplify.comPaperwhite 2 Ads dijual Rp2,150,000Alamat Toko Offline: Balubur Town Square Lantai 1 Blok C-03, Jl. Tamansari, Bandung4. Lighting Store – (Rinaldo Agusta)Paperwhite 2 Ads dijual Rp2,000,000Pilihan ke-1 dan ke-2 tentu saya eliminasi, gile mahal amat bro, $119 jadi 2,9jt.

Prinsip saya kalo lebih dari 2 juga mending beli kindle non-touch yang 1,3jtan. Tapi ternyata pilihan ke-3 sama ke-4 menggiurkan. Awalnya saya berniat ke Balubur Town Square, ke tokonya langsung, sekalian ikut ayah nengokin adik saya yang kuliah di Bandung. Eh tapi ternyata saya gak jadi ke sana karena harus ikut pelatihan PDP1Bisnis Mappi. Yowessssss last choice tinggal beli online.Eh tapi tiba-tiba saya nemu Lighting Store di, Sellernya namanya Rinaldo Agusta, saya tanya Paperwhitenya beli kapan dan stoknya berapa, dia bilang beli April 2014 dan stok tinggal 1 doang. Saya juga menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama di OrigikStore, actually Paperwhite di OrigikStore dibeli tahun 2013. Huhu agak jadul dong ya udah 1 tahun di gudang.Saya menimbang-nimbang dengan cermat.

Kalo di OrigikStore, sudah pasti terpercaya karena ada Offline store dan stok banyak, it means they are serious seller, consnya harganya lebih mahal Rp150,000 daripada Lighting Store. Sedangkan Lighting Store ini agak misterius, barang yg dijualnya gak gitu banyak, apalagi stok Paperwhitenya cuma 1.

Ini jualan apa mainan. Terus saya googling aja si sellernya, “Rinaldo Agusta”, dan ternyata beliau memang orang Indonesia yang tinggal di US. Owner dari

Owkeylah kalok begitu sepertinya reliabel. Langsung saja add to cart via Tokopedia pake ekspedisi JNE paket YES. Bayar pake Klikpay Rp2,000,000 aja. Resposnnya agak lama, 2hari baru dikirim barangnya. Mungkin sibuk orangnya.Yasudah yang penting barangnya sudah nyampe. Berikut penampakannya:Ini dia kotaknya, duh gak sabar bukanya nihsetelah cover dicopot, robek klip disisi atas boxnya, baru kotaknya bisa dibukaisinya terdiri dari: Kabel USB, 1 unit Kindle, dan kartu getting to know.

Buku panduan ada didalem kindlenya, bisa dibaca sendiri. Simpel sekali. Are salted peanuts gluten free. Charger dibeli terpisah, saya gak beli charger karena udh ada charger tab.

Bisa dipake kokMenurut situs Amazon, Paperwhite ini untuk 1 kali charging (3-4jam) baterainya bertahan hingga 2 bulan (dengan pemakaian 30 menit per hari) atau sekitar 30jam. Pengalaman saya sih gak nyampe 2 bulan. Tapi 2 minggu ini dari awal beli belom dicas-cas. Padahal kalo udah baca buku sampe kagak tidur.Paperwhite 2 berukuran16,9cm x 11,7 cm x9,1cm, beratnya 206 gram. Format dokumen yang didukung dan.bmp. Mostly saya pake karena ebook yang saya download berformat.epub paling suitable dan hemat ukuran jika di convert

Dibandingkan format lain.Layarnya anti glare, walau layarnya dilihat dari samping atau dibawah sinar matahari, tetap tidak mantul, gak seperti tab. Dan bacanya nyaman banget, hurufnya keliatan crisp dan tajam. Nyaman banget pokoknya baca pk Kindle. Tombol power dan lobang usb utk colok ke laptop/charger berapa di bagian bawah.Saya juga memasukan bahan kuliah saya ke dalam kindle ini lho. Sekarang kuliah gak banyak ngeprint-ngeprint, kalo presentasi tidak perlu pake q-cards cukup bawa kindle saja. Selain itu fitur lainnya adalah adanya pilihan jenis dan ukuran font, serta spacing dan margin. Kindle juga memiliki fitu built-in dictionary.

Kalau ada word yang tidak dimengerti, tinggal touch agak lama, lalu muncul deh artinya, dictionarynya dari Oxford (offline) dan Wikipedia (jika tersabung ke wifi).Selain bisa untuk baca, download buku, bikin notes, highligh text, dan share di goodreads. Kindle juga bisa untuk browsing. Dibagian menu ada pilihan “Experimental Browser”, foto diatas adalah tampilan kindle saat saya mengakses blog ini. Lumayan cepet juga kompresinya. Gak nyangka saya, karena kan gadget ini tujuannya memang bukan untuk browsing.

Oiya, kindle ini ada penyimpanan cloudnya juga, saya tidak perlu repot-repot colok-colok usb, cukup attach yang saya mau ke alamat email cloud, biasanya alamanya berupa Secara otomatis, file yang diemailin tadi ada di kindle kita.Well-well begitulah pengalaman saya memilih, membeli, dan menggunakan kindle.

Kalo pengguna android ada komunitas android, nah kalo kindle ini saya masih nyari-nyari. Di kampus saya saja sepertinya cuma saya saja yang punya kindle, bahkan teman-teman saya gak ada yang tau kindle apaan. Sayang banget ya. Banyaknya animo pembaca mengenai review saya tentang, maka bagi anda yang mau request novel atau buku apapun dengan kriteria sbb:. Buku/Novel berbahasa INGGRISdengan genre apapun, bebas.

( TOLONG JANGAN MINTA NOVEL BERBAHASA INDONESIA DARI PENULIS LOKAL, SAYA GAK BISA SEDIAKAN. BELI BUKU PENULIS LOKAL). Buku/Novel berbentuk PDF dengan ukuran berkisar antara 500kb-3mbCara request:. Tulislah JUDUL BUKU/NOVEL dan NAMA PENULIS di kotak komentar. Sertakan ALAMAT EMAIL andaAlternatif:. Email ke dengan judul “Request Ebook” berisi Judul buku, Nama penulis.Tunggu beberapa hari, saya akan membalas via email/komentar. I am sure many of you wonder where the hell i got those novels or books, espesially the new-released books.

So, i am gonna show you step by step: 1. Decide what book you want to readI usually find what book to read on or, those websites give a good reference to book i look for. For instance, my favorite genres are: Young Adult, Romance, and Fantasy. So after read some references, i decided to read Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare 2. Go to and type the title of the book on search boxWhy would i download the ebook in.epub format?Why wouldn’t i directly download the pdf version?You see, the last thing i would do is hurting my eyes by reading ebook with inequitable font size (my smartphone has 4inchies monitor only), unless you want to hurt your eyes you had better download the.epub version then convert it to.pdf with a proper font size.Go to and type the title of the book you want to read on the search box at the top of webpage. For instance, i search for Clockwork AngelAn here are the results, choose one that match with the title intended.

I choose the first result “ Clockwork Angel The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare” because it has same cover as shown onAfter that click on “Downoad eBook” to save the.epub file on your computer. Now you have the.epub version of the book, you can not read it on your smartphone though nor your computer (unless you instal Epub Plugin on you Mozilla Firefox)3. Go To to convert.epub to PDF with a proper fontTime to convert the.epub to.pdf version. Go to, click “ Upload & Convert”, open the folder where you save the.epub, select the file and click “ Open”Wait for the uploading moment, it doesn’t take much time, less than a minuteAfter the process is done, click the link “ Click it to Download” to save the.pdf file. Now you have an ebook with a proper font size.4. Transfer the.pdf file to your smartphone/tab/ebook readerYeayyy you have done much so far, so this is the last step, send the.pdf to you gadget, you may use bluetooth, usb cable, or send it via email.It’s reading time!I really like the font size, it’s not too small and not too big, so it will not hurt your eyes.Well, that all i need to tell you, i hope it does answer the question of “how to read ebook on your smartphone”—FYI, My smartphone is android os based and I use to read the ebook. I recommend you to use this application because:.

it’s light, only 3.02mb while the other pdf reader softwares are bigger than 5mb (Foxit, Adobe, Polaris, etc). it’s customizable, I lock the orientation to Lanscape, Full Screen mode, with Black on yellowish or Inverted Black and White mode. it’s consume less power/battery than any other pdf reader application. I test every pdf software, and this offers the most efficient battery usage. you can use the volume button as the scrolling button, no need to touch you screen any morePosted on byTagged Comments. Hi there, i promise to tell you what happen on my birthday, well not this time, maybe later, because i am not in a mood to write it.oops. I just want to write something light like my recent hobby which is reading novel.I have been really into reading novel since September.

It was all started when i bought at Gramedia Matraman Bookstore, after that i bought bunch of novels The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Shadow and Bone, Hush Hush, and Beautiful Disaster. All of them were physical book presented in bahasa (Indonesian Language).As a matter of fact, all of them are the first sekuel of trilogy or saga, for instance Tiger’s Curse is the first book followed by Tiger’s Quest, Tiger’s Voyage, and so on, as well as Beautiful Disaster is followed by Walking Disaster, etc. The problem arose considering i could not wait for the sekuels, it took time for local publisher to buy licence, translate it into bahasa, and publish it. I don’t find any trouble in reading english version, i am okay with it.My favorite genres are Young Adult, Fantasy, Fiction, and Romance. You may take a look at my for the books i am done reading. Maybe we can discuss it.Here and now, i read novel on my smartphone. The question is, am i comfortable with it????

The answer is NOOO! It hurts my eyes! I read one novel, 600-700pages, in 2-3 hours, and i even go through 3 novels in one day!!!!! Which means i look at my smartphone’s LCD 2-9hours per day. Can you understand how it feel? The LCD is only 4 inchies.

Hence, i desperately need Kindle.Kindle is a ebook reader produced by Amazon. It’s not like tablets with LCD monitor, Kindle has its special monitor called e-ink.

LCD will glare under the sunlight, whereas Kindle will not. Kindle’s monitor really looks like a paper. It won’t glare under sunlight.

Just like a physical book. It is available in different size, and the picture above is the cheapest one, The New Kindle, 6inchies, wifi. It could store up to 1000 books (the storage is 1GB).On it is $69, it’s not that expensive, at first i think i can afford it but if you add shipping charge to Indonesia and tax it becomes $120. If i compare buying physical novel and buying kindle, buying kindle is the pennywise way. Averagely, I read 20 novel per month, if i buy physical book which cost me Rp60,000 per book ($6/book) so i spend Rp1,200,000 ($120) per month!!!! While buying kindle cost me Rp1,250,000 (price based on for lifetime.

See?That’t why i desperately-badly-incredibly need Kindle, but. There is always but. It’s kinda hard for me to collect Rp1,250,000. Frankly, my dad give me Rp1000,000 per month. I spend quarter of it for the dentist (i am using brecket) everymonth, the other quarter for buying gas (i ride motorbike and sometime drive a car to campus), and the rest of it for living. Not living like an adult living, indeed. I mean i am a student i need money for copying materials, doing assignments, having lunch at cafetaria, and buying phone credit.

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I am also a young man, i need to enjoy life, like go to cinema, buy make-up stuff, etc.The possibility of buying kindle this year is too damn low.I conclusion, i really like reading a novel it acknowledge me, like how it feels to be a college student of foreign university, how it feels to be a witch, how it feels to live in different counties, how it feels to go to, how it feels to fight, etc, and i hope sooner or later i can have my own Kindle.This is my recent hobby, how is yours?

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Download Ebook Novel Indonesia Gratis

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